Thursday, January 12, 2006

Wrap my packages Inbubblewrap!

It's true! I've been playing every day for the past few months. No, I haven't been gambling my money away or playing a pick-up game of basketball or even picking my numbers for this week's powerball lottery. What I am doing is registering to win a business book or two or maybe four from the team at InBubbleWrap. What! You haven't heard about the website sponsored by 800-CEO-Read. Every weekday, excluding the weekend, the website gives away a business book and all you have to do is enter the drawing. Quite a few people win each day...maybe even up to 24 winners. Even though I thought that this website was a very creative idea, I wasn't going to write about it until I won. If ever I won. Well, I won the four books in the Tom Peters Essentials Series...and I recevied them in the mail yesterday afternoon. And they were all InBubbleWrap.

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