Thursday, September 28, 2006

Examining Social Intelligence

Sharon Jayson of USA Today wrote an interesting article on social intelligence and sociability. The article was focused on a new book by Daniel Goleman titled "Social Intelligence." Daniel Goleman is also the author of "Emotional Intelligence." He suggests that our brains are wired for social interactions and connectedness. Here is a highlight of that interview:

SJ: If someone is socially intelligent, how can it improve his or her life?

DG: The more socially intelligent you are, the happier and more robust and more enjoyable your relationships will be. At work, social intelligence defines people with leadership skills and who make the best team members. IQ and academic skills predict what class of job you can get and hold, but once you're in that job, those capacities disappear as predictors for whether you will be a star performer or a leader."

So, how socially intelligent area you? Read the full interview and then let me know what you think. I look forward to hearing from you.


Michael T. Bauer, MSW is the President and Chief Creative Officer of Innovative Business Resources, LLC, a management consulting firm that focuses on helping organizations align their leadership and culture with their business strategy.

Michael is the publisher of
the Creative Edge Newsletter.

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