Tuesday, March 07, 2006

A Spiritual Cleansing

It is simply amazing when and where one finds moments of creative energy. This evening I spent time at a Catholic Lenten Mission in my hometown with my family. It was a time to open my heart and explore this time of the year. The presenter, Jeanne Cotter, was outstanding at mixing stories, theology, and her music. The evening was focused on many important themes, but what stood out for me was the importance of letting go of hurts. Hurts refers to feelings that keep us blocked from doing our best work. As a therapist, I call these patterns nonrational behaviors. It was good to be reminded in a spiritual context that these nonrational behaviors also prevent someone from seeking a closer relationship with GOD. It gave me the opportunity to question some of my behaviors and ask myself, "how do these behaviors keep me from really being creative? Do they limit me in anyway?" A very important exercise for all of us to go through.

Michael T. Bauer

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