Friday, May 26, 2006

Creative Press Releases I am writing on something that is clearly not an area of expertise...the Press Release. Now, you may be asking yourselves why is Michael talking about Press Releases...because we've all used press releases with some benefits to our businesses. The format of the press release hasn't changed in years, but now someone has offered up a new, creative version of a press release that meets the ideas of Web 2.0. Take a look at the article at Pr-Squared. Todd Defren highlights the benefits of the new press release format, gives an example, and provides a PDF template to download. He calls it the social media press release and it includes links to websites and other important facts to help the media track down the correct information. I've downloaded it and have decided to play with it for a while...with minor changes. I think there's potential in this idea, especially when the media outlets discover it. That's a creative idea!!!!

Michael T. Bauer

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