Monday, October 09, 2006

Maverick Creativity!

William Taylor, co founder of Fast Company, and Polly LaBarre have written a new book, Mavericks at Work, that looks at the most creative minds in business today" To learn more you can download the Maverick Manifesto at their website.

What caught my eye, however, was William Taylors blog entry at Fast Company. He provides ten questions, which he calls the maverick challenge. These questions provide a template for a discussion on how you operate your business. I've listed two of the questions here, but I hope you will find time to check out his full list, the manifesto, or even purchase the book. But for are two of his questions:

7. Why should great people join your organization?
10. Are you learning as fast as the world is changing?

I hope you find the information useful.


Michael T. Bauer, MSW is the President and Chief Creative Officer of Innovative Business Resources, LLC, a management consulting firm that focuses on helping organizations align their leadership and culture with their business strategy.

Michael is the publisher of the Creative Edge Newsletter.

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