Wednesday, May 17, 2006

Great Leaders Embrace Imagination

I was reading through a variety of blogs the other day and came across this description of a great leader written by Oren Harari. What rang true for me was the idea, the thought that a great leader embraces imagination and fosters innovation. He says:

"Great leaders embrace imagination. They foster innovation. If they themselves donĂ‚’t possess those attributes, they surround themselves with people who do. They exude impatient with the status quo. They understand that doing the same-old, same-old is a recipe for decline. Their message to the troops is-- challenge conventional wisdom and break new ground. Do it with economic logic and operational discipline, yes, but do it with creativity." - Oren Harari

I love the description. I hope you also find something useful in it.

Michael T. Bauer

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