Tuesday, May 16, 2006

Innovation as a Business Trend

I've been thinking about this for the past six months, but it took Anne Swift's post at the Innovators Hub to push me to write about it. She took a brief look at the current trend of using innovation in the branding efforts of a business. She highlights how some companies have used the slogan or variations of it in their branding efforts and she suggests that there is a real question about what is innovation. To quote her, "I do believe that innovation is the way to productivity and the solution to many of the world's problems. I do not, however, believe that teaching teams how to brainstorm solutions is going to be the saving grace."

Her post really forced me to look at my business. For the past four years my "tagline" has been "Unlocking the Creative Potential in Individuals and Organizations." In addition, I use a series of buzz words for my business...Creativity...Innovation...Transformation. All of them fit well together because I believe that business are successful when they develop talented people who can tap into a wealth of creative energy. It's out of this creative energy that true innovations are developed and these innovations will transform individuals and communities.

I will continue to use my tagline and my three linked words...because I believe that you need to develop the talent within any company...develop the ability to be creative, but also have the ability to take that skill and make it into something exciting.

Michael T. Bauer

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