Friday, August 04, 2006

Leadership meets Squidoo

This will be my last post for a couple of weeks. I'm leaving on Saturday to spend two weeks at the Philmont Scout Ranch with my son and his boyscout troop. My backpack is prepared, my hiking books are worn-in, and my mind is ready for anything.

I have a lot of new things to share with you. A great new PDF on innovation, a couple artices about innovation...many great things to share, but not today. Today, I want to leave you with this message, "Please check out my pages at Squidoo." (is the starting point)

Talk to you again on August 22,


Michael T. Bauer, MSW is the President and Chief Creative Officer of Innovative Business Resources, LLC, a management consulting firm that focuses on helping organizations align their leadership and culture with their business strategy.

Michael is the publisher of the Creative Edge Newsletter.

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